Thursday, February 26, 2009

16 Weeks

Lily has had many changes in the last two weeks. During week 14, she started grasping items and putting everything she touched in her mouth! She also started grabbing both feet at the same time. I bet they'll be in her mouth before long. This week, Lily has started talking SO much. She is babbling all the time! On Tuesday night, she was talking more than we had ever heard her. We were laughing at her for about 15 minutes, then it finally dawned on us to get out the camcorder. As soon as Mark turned it on, she quit talking and started crying!!! Of course! Susu visited with us for two nights this week. Mark and I went to see a movie and have an early birthday dinner for him. This morning, Lily greeted her Daddy with a birthday card! Happy Birthday, Mark!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

14 Weeks

Lily is changing so quickly! This has been a big week. She is talking so much more. She is making more and different sounds than she has in the past. She has also been reaching out to grab toys... and the toys go right in her mouth! Mark's mom, Tricia, was here to visit. We had a great time, and Lily enjoyed seeing her G-ma. Our friends Todd and Stacey came for the weekend but had to leave early because Stacey got sick. Hope you're feeling better, Stace! We had a great first Valentine's day with Lily. She had some cute Valentine's pj's and a little Valentine's Day outfit. Susu and Papa sent Lily her very first Valentine's Day card. Can't wait to see what next week brings!

12 Weeks

Lily loves to play in her jumperoo!!!!