Thursday, October 30, 2008

40 Weeks!!!

Well, our due date has come and gone. This baby is showing no signs of coming anytime soon. Pray for Mark because he has it the worst dealing with me!!!

39 Weeks

A little chocolate cake does wonders! Feeling good, just ready!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

37 Weeks Tomorrow!

Well, the time has finally come... I feel REALLY pregnant! I shouldn't and won't complain too much because today is the first day I've been uncomfortable. Not too bad to be this far along and uncomfortable for the first time! It has been an easy pregnancy, and I'm very thankful.

Mark has been putting together lots of baby paraphenalia... this week he put together the swing and the Pack-n-Play. Neither one took him too long. Today, my parents came up and took us out to lunch. Then Charles helped Mark hang up the new curtains in our bedroom. That took a little longer than the Pack-n-Play! We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to find out if anything is going on yet. I hope something is!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

35 Weeks

Only about a month left! We can't believe how fast the time is going now. The nursery is almost finished. We are waiting on wall hangings and a rug until we know the sex of the baby. Then we can add in pink or blue! Our next doctor's appointment is on Monday, and we'll go every week until the baby gets here. We're looking forward to finding out if anything is going on! Today, we decided to take advantage of being along and had date night. We went to see a movie, went to dinner, and we were home by 6:30!!! It's fun to eat at 4:30 pm!! How boring are we???

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

33 weeks

Here's a new belly pic as requested. Only seven weeks to go!! The time is flying by...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby's First Trip to Death Valley!! September 6, 2008

Go Tigers!!! Clemson played the Citadel on Saturday, and Mark and I went to the game. It was the baby's first trip to Clemson, and Mark's first time at a game. We had a great time, but it must have been 100 degrees!!! Mark and I left on Friday and spent Friday night in Greenville with my Aunt Mary Lutie, Uncle Bundy, Cousin Robert, his wife Sarah, and their two boys Wade and Wesley. We had a nice time walking around downtown Greenville and going out to dinner. The next day, we tailgated with more family at the game. LOTS more family!! Thanks to Robert for organizing... we should do things like this more often.

As much as we were enjoying the game, Mark and I left the stadium after the first quarter. I know this baby is a Tiger, but he/she was not enjoying the extreme heat in the stadium! Hopefully, this will be the first of many trips to Tiger Town for little Duncan or Lily!

Monday, August 18, 2008

29 Weeks

What a great shower! Anjie, Carrie, Heather, Holly, and Linley hosted a baby shower for me in Hilton Head (your names are in alphabetical order, girls...). It was so much fun to see all of my old friends. I miss everyone so much! Thanks to everyone who took the time to come... I know how busy everyone is. I just wish I could have spent more time talking to each of you. It went by so quickly! Thanks especially to my mom, Suzanne, and little Stace who had to drive from out of town to come.

When I got home last night, Mark and I unloaded the car, and the nursery actually looks like a nursery now! There are lots of baby things in there! Mark had his first real taste of what the upcoming years will bring... putting toys together!! Our first babies, AKA Buddy, Holly, and Denver, were very interested in all the goodies. We could see that stuffed toys and soft blankies are going to be a problem, as we had to hide all of them to keep them from getting chewed!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

28 Weeks

The crib is here!!! We were so excited to get the call yesterday that the crib had arrived. Since it wasn't supposed to come in until the beginning of October, we were really nervous that the crib wouldn't arrive until after the baby. Mark was repainting the nursery yesterday (and he painted our bedroom, too!), so I went to pick up the the crib. Today we put it together. It took us less than an hour. We love it!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Starting the Nursery

Happy Sunday... Mark is painting the nursery today. Unfortunately, it is hot outside, so he is dying with the windows open. Neither one of us thought it would get that hot in there. He is working quickly and will be through in no time (says me as I sit downstairs in the cool AC). We chose a light khaki/taupe color. Our bedding came in this week! The bumper is a sage green and chocolate brown linen, and the crib skirt is the same green linen. Can't wait for the crib to get here!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

July 25, 2008 26 Weeks

Don't worry, Buddy... you'll always be our first baby!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8, 2008 24 Weeks

My belly seems to be growing like crazy. Mark is able to feel the baby kicking quite a bit now. That has been exciting for both of us. I'm still feeling good and looking forward to the rest of the pregnancy!

June 5, 2008 Happy Anniversary

Today was the first day I felt the baby kick from the outside. And today is our fourth anniversary! What a present! I was on the couch with the remote balanced on my stomach, and all of a sudden, it jumped up. I put my hand where the remote had been, and sure enough, I felt another kick! Amazing!

May 29, 2008 18 weeks

Starting to get a little belly! I'm feeling the baby moving a little. It's not flutters... feels more like a muscle twitch. I can't wait to feel some kicks!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

May 22, 2008 Fourth Ultrasound

We had our fourth ultrasound at 17 weeks. "It" looks like a real baby now! We were able to see a profile that showed the mouth, nose, and eyes. The baby even put its hands over its eyes as if to say, "No pictures!" Everything was great with the baby, and our blood tests came back showing no problems, too!

April 14, 2008 Third Ultrasound

At 12 weeks, we had our third ultrasound. The baby had grown so much from the last ultrasound. "Its" legs and arms were no longer just little buds.

March 20, 2008 Second Ultrasound

At 8 weeks, we had our second ultrasound. This time, "it" actually looked like a baby! We could see the head, arm buds, and leg buds. He/she was wiggling all around and doing a little dance!

March 6, 2008 Our First Ultrasound!

At 6 weeks, we had our first ultrasound. It was so exciting! Believe it or not, we could see and hear the heartbeat already!

Monday, June 16, 2008

We're Pregnant!

February 15, 2008

After taking a HPT, I went to the doctor's office for a pregnancy test without Mark knowing because I wanted to surprise him. The test results took two hours!! Since I hadn't gotten a card for Mark for Valentine's day, I pretended to give him a late Valentine's day present. What a surprise!!! (Sorry for the wait at the beginning of the video clip. I'm not much of an editor!)