Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

6 months today!

Here's a little video. No one will find this interesting except our families!

5 months

Lily had so many changes during her fifth month. She started talking A LOT! She loves when you copy the sounds she makes... then she'll make them right back at you. She started hugging our necks. We love this!! It is so sweet. She also started sitting up! We were shocked. One Sunday I was walking down the stairs with her. Holly was on the landing looking out the window, so I sat Lily down right next to Holly so she could pet her. She seemed steadier than normal, so I let her go. And she stayed sitting up for a few seconds. Now she can sit up and play for a little while before toppling over. She started eating cereal and green beans. She also tried peas and squash at the end of the month! We were shocked that she ate the squash the first time. Susu and Papa spent some time with us this month, and we're looking forward to G-ma's visit in June!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

17 Weeks

Lily had her four month check up this week. She is 25 and a half inches long and weighs 13 pounds. She is giggling and playing all the time. Here is a video of her laughing!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

16 Weeks

Lily has had many changes in the last two weeks. During week 14, she started grasping items and putting everything she touched in her mouth! She also started grabbing both feet at the same time. I bet they'll be in her mouth before long. This week, Lily has started talking SO much. She is babbling all the time! On Tuesday night, she was talking more than we had ever heard her. We were laughing at her for about 15 minutes, then it finally dawned on us to get out the camcorder. As soon as Mark turned it on, she quit talking and started crying!!! Of course! Susu visited with us for two nights this week. Mark and I went to see a movie and have an early birthday dinner for him. This morning, Lily greeted her Daddy with a birthday card! Happy Birthday, Mark!